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Use of electrical or radio technology so that data and information can be sent or received anywhere and at any time

Telecommunications are used to ensure that information between sender and recipient can reach each other across any distance. That’s what telecommunications systems are needed for. We can transmit information by means of voice, images, text or other forms of data no matter when or where to. Globalization, worldwide trade, Industry 4.0 or, in the future, autonomous driving are not possible without functioning telecommunications. The speed at which the information is transmitted also plays a decisive role here.

Frequently asked questions about telecommunications

What are classic examples for ways and means of telecommunication?

Radios, wireless telephony or the Internet

What are the types of telecommunications?

A distinction is made between synchronous and asynchronous telecommunications. In synchronous information exchange, communication takes place directly and with virtually no time delay, whereas in asynchronous telecommunications messages are first recorded or written down and the recipient takes in the information with a time delay.

Who are the main network operators in the telecommunications industry?

In Germany, Deutsche Telekom is currently the largest network operator in the industry. Deutsche Telekom provides network operations for landline and mobile telephony or the Internet, for example. There are around 40 million landline users and more than 22 million DSL lines in German households. The cable network is another telecommunications network that was also originally set up by Deutsche Telekom. In the meantime, however, it is operated by Kabel Deutschland, Unitymedia and Tele Columbus and divided up regionally.

What are the biggest challenges for telecommunications?

“Higher, faster, further” – and more secure!  In addition to providing connections to anyone anywhere in the world, and as quickly as possible, the main issues are data encryption and security.

Who monitors the segment and regulates telecommunications competition?

The Federal Network Agency. It supports and promotes competition through regulatory decisions and is responsible for data protection and monitoring. This is supplemented by the Telecommunications Act (TKG).

Do you have any questions or
would like to send an inquiry?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to advise you individually.

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